Monday, April 27, 2009

June Crawled Tonight!!!

Tonight June crawled for the first time! Jimmy and I were on the floor and she started rocking and Jimmy told me to grab the camera, and sure enough she just took off. The lighting is really bad. She was a little scared and angry because we wouldn't just carry her to the toys. It was pretty amazing! I guess its time for child-proofing the house!!


Barrow Family said...

WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!! Yea baby Junie! I knew she was close!!! You go little girl!

Lerin said...

What a big girl!!! :)

At the Beach with Dave and Alicia said...

Hey Natalie, remember me? Its Alicia... Jill's friend from college... I got your blog from her to see the pics from ya'll's trip! They were amazing! It is so great to catch up with you through your blog! I started crying when I watched June crawl... How precious! Stay in tough!