This weekend was birthday party themed. We went to Allison’s birthday first on Saturday at Pump it Up which June adored. She was the only misbehaved child screaming and crying for cake when all the other cute little ones were sitting nicely at the party table eating their fruit and crackers. Shelby was a perfect baby,and really enjoyed wearing holes in her little knees crawling around the bouncy houses like a hyped up chihuahua making little screams of joy the whole time.
Sunday we went to Adriana’s 2nd birthday party. She had a Kai-Lan party, which is one of June’s favorite shows. She had so much fun with her friend.
Look at this awesome cake Lisbeth MADE! She makes cakes now if you are reading this and want to order one! It was VERY delicious! She hand crafted all the little tiny flowers and it was covered with fondant!
Shelby enjoyed her sun glasses and about four suckers!
June and Adriana chowing down on some pizza!
June started talking to Adriana about her pinata and this was Adriana’s reaction…..

…she was afraid June was gonna take her pizza!
Isn’t this the cutest pinata! June was upset when they hit it again, She offered KaiLan a bandaide after they ripped her open.
Its Tuesday now….three days later, and last night June said, “Yet’s go to Adriana’s bootday party, and the KaiLan caaaaaaake, and the ccaaaaaaanny, and piiiiiiiizza, and jeeeeeeello, and toooooys. She was naming all her favorite memories. She LOVES birthday parties!! Next weekend we’re gonna ride ponies with the cousins WOOHOO!!