Thursday, January 20, 2011

Data Loss

The past two weeks have been a world wind of stress. It seems like everything all came down at once. Two Fridays ago I was in the middle of editing photos when i heard a clicking noise. It was the click of death. My external hard drive crashed. I mean, it really died. I was overwhelmed with panic. Data recovery costs upwards of $1600!! I was literally on the ground crying and kicking!IMG_6309

Not unlike what Shelby does at least twice a day when she doesn’t get her way.

I had HOURS of editing that was being stored on this machine that cannot be replaced. People’s irreplaceable memories were at hand…that had been trusted in my hands. It was painful. Most of my stuff is backed up on my other computer and other external hard drive. However, some things had been corrupted on the other drive due to a worm in my computer. UUGGGH  Then in the midst of all this and waiting to hear back from the data recovery technician, I got the flu and a nasty infection in my throat.  These were my little friends.IMG_6344

Monday I got the call. The hard drive was completely gone. No data could be recovered. I had to make some hard phone calls and I have not taken any pictures in two weeks with my tail between my legs in shame. In conclusion…if you own an external hard drive and it is one of the “desktop” kind that are a little bigger….do not move that thing at all. The pieces inside move and the pen is made of glass and can be shattered from falling just from upright to on its side on a PILLOW. The magnets are so strong that if it gets off kilter, it will essentially destroy itself!




This terabyte drive of mine never fell, and was only ONE MONTH OLD!!! If you get an external hard drive, buy one of the little portable ones. They are MUCH more sturdy and the parts are more durable! Lesson learned…data backed now, and backed again, and again.


Shelby is walking now which is pretty cute. She loves walking around with my cell phone pressed against her ear while she speaks gibberish!

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June really likes play dough. She could sit in her chair for an hour or more perfectly happy with a can of play dough and a few spoons and cookie cutters. We we are going to make some Valentines salt dough sculptures this weekend!

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I am so happy that my babies and husband didn’t get sick. I am also thankful for my dad who helped me out so much and even brought me food when I was sick. Also I appreciate James Hicks who is a computer genius.

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